Al-Mozanab General Trading LLC.

Magic Capsule

Automatic Fuel Control Device
Dubai Tree
Magic Capsule, the heart of the car engine, slashes CO2 emissions and improves the fuel economy of cars

As Humans have blood pressure, cars have fuel pressure. Humans can live up to, on average, 70-80 years old as their hearts automatically regulate their blood pressure according to the intensity of their activity. However, cars, which are way more active than humans, do not have a heart-like automatic fuel pressure adjustment device, consequently being traded off by their owners or heading for auto graveyards in less than a decade.

Car makers are to blame for their short lifespan. Car makers have left their cars unable to regulate their fuel pressure on their own. The engines of the cars are injected with a specific amount of fuel all the time. In the process of forced fuel injections, over 15% of the car’s fuel could be wasted.

With such an inflexible fuel supply system on board, the car engine will get stressed out, as the car gets old and more mileages. As a result, the engine will consume more fuel than is necessary, thereby increasing incomplete combustion, rattles and noise and reducing output and ride quality.

Korea IT Times(

Magic Capsule
The Heart of the Automotive Engine

Product Details

Dubai Tree
Magic Capsule - Automatic Fuel Control Device

The engine used for vehicle and vessel is called the internal combustion engine. It has been engineering judgment that automobiles are moving getting power under the cycle of 4 –stroke in engine called “inhale- compression-explosion exhaust”. This is the serious of repeated process which is air and fuel inhaled and compressed into cylinder by piston, exploded by spark plug, and the burned air exhausted. Unfortunately, there might be some big difference between engineering theory and reality. The most important process among 4-storke is “inhale” because it is the process for air and fuel to be supplied to the cylinder.
When inhale-stroke happens to all the fossil automobiles, the air is supplied into cylinders by pistons. However, the most essential air needed to be used for automobiles is not likely to be inhaled. The fuel is injected by force with the only supplying pressure method automotive makers unilaterally regulate.
Being different from the real 4 strokes, the real cycle of 4 strokes is working as “ injection-compression-explosion-exhaust”. The fuel supply by intentional injection, not by “inhale” cannot meet the changeable driving condition at any time.
More than 15% of the precious fuel on average is likely to be wasted by intentional injection, which
also cause environmental air pollution by incomplete combustion in the engine.
In addition, the excessive fuel supply to the engine can cause abnormal strange heat regardless of
complete combustion. Actually, thus heat is the carbon emission which accelerates global warning.
The precious fuel is being wasted and even worsening the air pollution and global warming. It is a big dilemma even though we have such an automatic device or not for fuel supplying fit for driving

What is Magic Capsule ?

Magic Capsule is a new technology that overturns automobile engineering

Fuel supply pressure and automatic control of fuel

22 Pages

What are the advantages of the Magic Capsule ?

1. Reducing the Car Pollution more than 95 %
2. Fuel saving 10 ~ 15%
3. Increasing engine power (Pick up)
4. Effective and optimum engine running
5. Extension of Engine lifetime
6. Protect against sudden rapid start
7. Removing exhaust gas going to inside car
8. Reduce car Vibration 30 ~40%

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Dubai Tree

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Dubai Tree